Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Two Cities

Here's a little thought. Decided to walk to Penn Station while eating Red Mango and that set me to thinking about my three week stint in Palo Alto. And that got me to thinking about the differences between the two. Aside from the fact that they're on opposite coasts, there were two overwhelming (in my little brain) differences.

First and foremost, the noise. In Palo Alto, even the cars seem quiet. No car horns blaring, no construction noise, no loud people crowding the streets. Everything was sedate, the pace slow.

The second was the smell. Oh, the incredible smells that one encounters in New York. And not all are pleasant. Some smells are not meant to be smelled. It makes me worry how they originated.

Ah, and there was one other aspect. Since I was staying at the Garden Court Hotel (lovely spot), I was able to walk up and down University Avenue at my leisure. And by walk I mean NY pace leisure. The locals were visibly baffled at the crazy creature racing down their serene streets. NYers certainly aren't known for leading slow paced lives. But I digress. As I "strolled" in Palo Alto, I would glance and admire the cute little shops - new age shop, book shop, pretty dress shops - and restaurants. As I "strolled" along 8th Avenue, NYC, I noticed the grimy storefronts - GNC, Duane Reade, XXX peep shows... WHAT????

But you know, for the seediness one may encounter on the streets of Manhattan, all the weirdos shadowing your footsteps, all the noise, all the indifference you might notice on a NYer's face, I still wouldn't trade it for all the pretty cities in all the world.

NY has it's own vibe, it's own beat, that can enthrall you and make you it's own.

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